Many thanks to The Old Wolf for the translation work!
Love Nutella?
Great. Enjoy it. I don’t.
Well, yeah. I used to love it. Before, when I discovered it, I loved it, I even adored it. To the extent that I’d eat it straight from the jar. No spoon, just my fingers. I know, it’s not terribly hygienic. But it’s not all that bad… because after all, I don’t share my Nutella. A jar is for me. Just me. And it got empty really, really fast. Terribly addicting, isn’t it?
Terribly addicting indeed… but not surprising, because because the truth is that Nutella would contain monosodium glutamate , aka E621 [1] deeply hidden in the famous word ‘flavorings’. [2] You know, glutamate, the flavor enhancer that would stimulate appetite and maliciously destroy neurons[3]… To this is added – wait for it – a small dose of … plastic ! And yes, our famous spread contains DEHP , one of the most dangerous phthalates [4], which is usually used to produce packaging and has the nasty tendency to migrate into the product. Be aware that this unwelcome guest is banned in toys and cosmetics because it is considered a carcinogen and induces, uh … testicular atrophy. Nice, huh?
Fine, fine, I’m not telling you anything new when I mention that Nutella is 70% palm oil and refined sugar, remember that skim milk powder and whey? Ferrero has for long refused to say whether or not they come from animals fed with GMOs…
Oh, but wait, there’s hazelnuts and cocoa at any rate! Oh yeah, well, 20% of the finished product … not bad for a spread that should be composed of 2/3…
Fine, end of discussion. As for me, I say Nutella is dying.
Make way for the Chocoville Triplets!
See, when I do things, I don’t do them halfway or only 1/3 of the way. When I say that Nutella is dead, there are already three little girls waiting to take its place in your pantry. First, there’s the eldest: she’s more royal than the King, and an absolute purist. I call her Choconette. She always quarrels with the middle child, the original of the company, who wants a little bitto revolutionize the world and answers to the gentle name of Camarande. Lastly, there’s the youngest: very shy, a little dreamy, named … well, she’ll tell you her name later, when she feels like it.
I forgot to mention: the three little sisters are all raw and and adapted to simple living as well – only 4 ingredients each, as it pleases you.
* * *
Choconette – Better than the Original
* * *
Makes a 330 ml. or 11 oz. jar
Ingredients :
- 15 dates (around 90 g. or 3 oz.)*
- 125 g. [1/2 cup] hazelnut butter
- 60 ml. [4 Tbsp] agave or maple syrup (or raw liquid honey)
- 30 g. [1/3 cup] cocoa powder
- 15 ml. [1 Tbsp] water
* For those who don’t want to use dates, you can substitute 1/2 dried apricots and 1/2 dried bananas (but not banana chips!)
Preparation :
1. Rehydrate the dates in hot water for about 10 minutes (or 2 hours in cold water)
2. Put all your ingredients in a blender and… blend!
Don’t hesitate to stop the blender as needed to scrape the sides and place the spread on the blades. If all seems a bit too dry, add a little water or hazelnut oil (or other neutral oil). You can then enjoy, with or without a spoon!
Uh oh, I get the feeling that the youngest sister is jealous!..
* * *
Camarande – Even Better
* * *

Makes a 330 ml. or 11 oz. jar
Ingredients :
- 15 dates (around 90 g. or 3 oz.)*
- 125 g. [1/2 cup] almond butter
- 60 ml. [4 Tbsp] agave or maple syrup (or raw liquid honey)
- 30 g. [1/3 cup] carob powder
- 15 ml. [1Tbsp] water
* Same note as for Choconette if you don’t like dates or if dates don’t like you.
Preparation :
1. Rehydrate the dates in hot water for about 10 minutes (or 2 hours in cold water)
2. Combine all your ingredients in a blender. Scrape the sides as needed to make sure the spread is smooth. Add only water or oil… never milk!
So, who’s your favorite “Miss Nut Spread” of the year?
I’ve got to confess, it’s tough to choose between them.
But I can hear the question: “What about the youngest?“
Well, the baby is is very shy, and I think she’d rather play the prima donna and have a page all to herself. After all, these rising stars can be terribly capricious! But I’ll give you a hint while you wait for tomorrow:
… or, if you wish, you’ll find her here.
So, still in love with Nutella ?
What about the homemade version ?
[1] E numbers designate chemicals that can be used as food additives within the European Union.
[2] In the USA, the ingredients for Nutella are Sugar, Palm Oil, Hazelnuts, Cocoa, Skim Milk, Reduced Minerals Whey (Milk), Lecithin As Emulsifier (Soy), Vanillin: An Artificial Flavor. Whey and Skim Milk always have milk solids with MSG, and the artificial flavor vanillin also contains unlabeled MSG. For a full list of ingredients containing MSG, visit Truth in Labeling.
[3] On MSG :
- Studies according to which MSG has harmful effects: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14)
- general: Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills (Russell L. Blaylock, MD), reviewed by the American Nutrition Association; a list of food additives classified according to their potential harmful effects on human heath (in French).
[4] L’emballage qui tue (Arte) (full movie here); study realized by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) on the presence of DEHP in urine of children. Dr. Wolfgang Heger, toxicologist (UBA) who directed the study found alarming high rates of DEHP in Nutella croissants and milk bread: 265.9 mcg /kg per croissant or bread, which means 2 percent of the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) per croissant for a 7-9 year-old child (30 kg). These results have been confimed by Ferrero, which stated that Nutella contains 48 mcg/kg of DEHP. DEHP has been found in the urine of 100% of tested children (see also German Health Interview and Examination Survey‘s conclusions on children’s exposition to DHEP (conclusions in English here [p.4]; full study here) along with 5 main phtalates, and, in 20% of them, DEHP was in critical and toxic quantity.
✏ Link: Conclusions of the European Union Risk Assessment Report on DEHP (extract)
[…] Vous aimez le Nutella ? Ca tombe bien, moi pas. Enfin, si. Avant, j’aimais ça. Avant, quand j’ai découvert ça, j’ai aimé, j’ai même adoré. Même que je le mangeais directement au pot, sans petite cuillère, juste avec les doigts, comme ça. Je sais, c’est pas très hygiénique. Mais c’est pas grave, puisque de toute façon, le Nutella, je partageais pas. Un pot, c’était pour moi toute seule, et ça se vidait vite. Terriblement addictif, pas vrai ? Terriblement addictif effectivement… pas étonnant à dire vrai puisque le Nutella contient du glutamate monosodique, alias E621 bien dissimulé sous la fameuse mention ‘arôme’. Vous savez, le glutamate, cet exhausteur de goût qui stimule l’appétit et détruit méchamment les neurones… Auquel on ajoutera, tenez-vous bien, une petite dose de… plastique ! Et oui, notre fameuse pâte à tartiner contient du DEHP, l’un des phtalates les plus dangereux[1], dont on se sert habituellement pour produire des emballages et qui a la fâcheuse tendance de migrer dans le produit… Ajoutons que cet invité surprise est interdit dans les jouets et les cosmétiques car il est considéré comme cancérigène et qu’il induit, euh… une atrophie des testicules – sympathique, non ? […]
Yes, I still like Nutella!
Too bad for you… 😉
So according to your article its actually the plastic containers which are most dangerous. The phthalates responsible for sterility, or testicular atrophy as you like to call it.
It would be nice to have a Nutella man come around and fill up our empty jars of nutella every end of the week. Like the milkman! Nutella-man!
Actually, the studies are not clear here : it seems that Nutella contains DEHP even if stored in glass jars… The question is: where does this plastic come from ? When has it been added to the mixture ?..
Honestly, I prefer my home-made version of Nutella… at least, I can fill up my empty jars whenever I wish without having to wait for the end of the week ! 😉
Thanks for the info. I put it up on my blog too. FUCK!
Great, thanks !
OMG Ophélie, I didn’t know you had some articles in English. If your talent is translated, now it’s sure, you’re ready to rule the world 😉 (And the world would be so nice if you ruled it 😉 )
Ha ha ! 😀 Just a couple of articles, actually. Thanks for your kind message, it’s so sweet !
io non compro piu’ nessun prodotto Ferrero
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